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Glass Buildings




The Variance Summary allows you to track your monthly gain/loss variance for each cost code. The current gain/loss is compared to the gain/loss of the previous month as well as showing the monthly gain/loss over the duration of the project. This allows your project to be clearly broken down into a month-by-month breakdown for each separate cost code, allowing you to pinpoint the areas of your project which need attention and which areas are your big winners.


The Variance Summary updates by clicking the 'Update Variance' button. This allows you to track your gain/loss variance over any specific time period. For example, you can update the variance monthly to track the monthly variance of gain/loss, or you could update the variance quarterly to track the quarterly gain/loss variance. The Variance Summary also allows to to comment on each cost code to allow for future clarity when referring back to the summary, while also being ideal for when multiple people will be having access to and updating the document.
















































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